age: 29
icbm: 75° 9m 37.34s W
39° 56m 41.14s N
elev. 55 ft
i was born
in 1979. i didn't talk for two years, but i could
read by the age of three. my school grades were good - not great - but
only because i don't want them to be great. i can do anything. i
learned three foreign languages but forgot much of them due to disuse.
i have a b.a. in biology, a b.s. in computer science, minors in
mathematics and physics, and an mba with a specialization in finance. i
am going to be a software engineer
for the forseeable future. i enjoy stargazing. i enjoy
imbibing. i enjoy playing the esoteric chinese dominoes game of pai
gow. i bought and renovated a house, then sold it for profit in
the worst housing market ever recorded. i ponder highway constrution
and bridge and tunnel plans in my spare time. i've driven i-95 from
exit 3 of the nj turnpike to cape cod. i've driven the "one mile" of
the cross bronx expressway through east tremont; and i've driven the
gowanus expressway through sunset park. i have also driven from hamburg
to berlin to munich on the autobahn at speeds exceeding 130 miles per
hour in a renault subcompact and lived to tell the story. i enjoy
solving calculus problems. i would do it for fun if i thought there was
a point in doing so. i enjoy watching fish swim back and forth. i
listen to death metal. i think C++ is g-d's gift to programmers. i like
food and sports, occasionally at the same time. i enjoy travel and i
now can afford to do it. ;-) future goals include world travel,
learning as much as i can about everything, perfecting my skills in pai
gow and blackjack, reading and
speaking chinese and perhaps japanese, re-learning russian, and
climbing mount everest.
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